Keletas naujų leidinių VDK bibliotekoje:
Unmasking theatre design, L. Porter, 2014. |
The well-dressed puppet: a guide to creating puppet costumes, Ch. Lambeth, 2014. |
The art of voice acting: the craft and business of performing for voiceover, J. R. Alburger, 2015. |
The world encyclopedia of contemporary theatre: Americas, 2015. |
Vintage fashion complete, N. Albrechtsen, 2014. |
Transformational imagemaking: handmade photography since 1960, R. Hirsch, 2014. |
RETRO & VINTAGE DESIGN, L. Hayek, 2014. |
The typographic universe: letterforms found in nature, the built world and human imagination, S. Heller, G. Anderson, 2015. |
Start me up!: new branding for businesses, 2015. |
Thoughts on designing information, 2014. |
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