2014 m. gegužės 30 d., penktadienis

Dar keletas naujų leidinių VDK bibliotekoje

Dar keletas naujienų. naujus leidinius rasite VDK bibliotekoje, o kokiame skyriuje, galite pasižiūrėti VDK bibliotekos elektroniniame kataloge

Portfolio Class with Clare :-), C. McNally, 2008.

Presentation Strategies and Dialogue, C. M. Scalise, 2012.

Basics Creative Photography 04: Reading
, R. Salkeld, 2014.

Build Your Own Pinhole Cameras: Print out and
make cool paper cameras to take amazing photos
J. Quinnell, J. Buczynski, 2013.

Photographing Childhood: The Image and the Memory, L. Stone, 2011.

Page unlimited 2: inovations in layout design, 2013.

Francesca Woodman, 2013.

Geometrix: new trends in graphic design, 2012.

Mastering Photographic Composition, Creativity,
and Personal Style
, A. Briot, 2009.

Exhibiting Photography: A Practical Guide
to Displaying Your Work
, S. Read, 2014.

Drawing in the Digital Age: An Observational
Method for Artists and Animators
, W. Xu, 2012.

Introducing Culture Identities: Design for Museums,
Theaters and Cultural Institutions
, R. Klanten,
A. Sinofzik, F. Schulze, 2013.

Low Budget Shooting: Do It Yourself Solutions to
Professional Photo Gear
, C. Harnischmacher, 2007.

FilmCraft: Screenwriting, T. Grierson, 2013.

Nightwatch - Painting with Light, N. Kerns, 2013.

Graphic Candy, AllRightsReserved, 2013.

On Spot: International Event Design, L. Shijian, 2013.

2014 m. gegužės 28 d., trečiadienis

Naujų knygų bumas VDK bibliotekoje tęsiasi

Kaip ir žadėjome, toliau pristatome naujus leidinius VDK bibliotekoje. Pasižiūrėti kuriame skyriuje koks leidinys yra ir kokius leidinius VDK bibliotekoje galite rasti ieškodami VDK bibliotekos elektroniniame kataloge. Jei ką - klauskit bibliotekininkių, tikrai padėsim ;)

The Age of Collage: Contemporary Collage in Modern Art, 2013.

The Stuff You Can't Bottle: Advertising for
the Global Youth Market
, King Adz, 2013.

The Geometry of Type: The Anatomy of 100
Essential Typefaces
, S. Coles, 2012.

The Wedding Dress: 300 years of bridal fashions,
E. Ehrman, 2011.

Scanning Negatives and Slides: Digitizing Your
Photographic Archives
, S. Steinhoff, 2009.

Sculpture Now, A. Moszynska, 2013.

Slogan T-Shirts: Cult and Culture, S. Talbot, 2013.

Vivienne Westwood: Shoes, L. Beatrice,
M. Guarnaccia, V. Westwood, 2006.

The Repurposed Library: 33 Craft Projects That
Give Old Books New Life
, L. Occhipinti, 2011.

The New Street Photographer's Manifesto, T. Nagar, 2012.

Spinfluence: The Hardcore Propaganda Manual
For Controlling The Masses
, N. McFarlane, 2013.

The Flash Photography Field Guide: Shaping
the light to suit your photographs
A. Duckworth, 2012.

The Wedding Photography Field Guide:
Capturing the perfect day with your digital
SLR camera
, M. Turner, 2011.

Michael Freeman's Photo School: Composition,
M. Freeman, D. Bowker, 2012.

Photographic Theory: An Historical Anthology,
A. E. Hershberger, 2014.

2014 m. gegužės 24 d., šeštadienis

VDK bibliotekos naujienos

Dar keletas naujų leidinių VDK bibliotekos fonde. Reikiamus leidinius susirasti galite ir VDK bibliotekos elektroniniame kataloge

The Designer as...: Author, Producer, Activist,
Entrepeneur, Curator, and Collaborator: New Models
for Communicating
, S. McCarthy, 2013.

Photographing Models: 1000 Poses:
A Practical Sourcebook for Aspiring and
Professional Photographers
, E. Siegel, 2013.

Storytelling on Steroids: 10 stories that hijacked
the pop culture conversation
, J. Weich, 2013.

The Graphic Designer's Guide to Portfolio Design,
D. R. Myers, 2013.

Structural Packaging: Design Your Own
Boxes and 3D Forms
, P. Jackson, 2013.

Textile Visionaries: Innovation and Sustainability
in Textile Design
, B. Quinn, 2013.

The Web Designer's 101 Most Important Decisions:
Professional secrets for a winning website
S. Parker, 2012.

This is Service Design Thinking: Basics, Tools, Cases,
M. Stickdorn, J. Schneider, 2013.
Naudinga svetainė.

100 Works of Art That Will Define Our Age,
K. Grovier, 2013.

Nauji leidiniai VDK bibliotekoje

Jau turbūt pastebėjote, kad šią savaitę VDK bibliotekos fondas atsinaujino. Bet tai dar ne pabaiga ir per ateinančias kelias savaites pristatysime dar daugiau naujų leidinių, todėl sekite naujienas :)

Leidinius rasite atitinkamuose VDK bibliotekos skyriuose. Kokiuose skyriuose leidiniai yra, galite pasižiūrėti VDK bibliotekos elektroniniame kataloge arba paklausti bibliotekininkių. 

S. Veksner, 2010.
M. Lafuente, 2013.
DRAPE DRAPE 3, H. Sato, 2011.
office for visual interaction
, 2014.
M. Bowles, C. Isaac, 2012.
M. Wilson, 2013.
ECO DESIGN: lamps, 2013.
FABOLOUS FIT: speed fitting and alteration,
J.A. Rasband, E.L.G. Liechty, 2006.
FASHION SCANDINAVIA: contemporary cool,
D. Gundtoft, 2013.

Fashion Sketchbook, B. Abling, 2012.
HIDDEN PERSUASION: 33 psychological
influence techniques in advertising
Andrews, van Leeuwen, van Baaren, 2013.